Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How I Got Into Williams College

How I Got Into Williams College By Chloe Brown When I started my college search, I knew I wanted to go to a small, liberal arts school, either in New England or California. But once I visited Williams College, I fell in love. I knew that was where I wanted to go. So when fall of senior year rolled around, I sent off my Early Decision application and waited, typing up my other applications in between rounds of biting my nails. As you may have guessed, things worked out alright and in December I got a big, thick, purple envelope. While I dont know exactly what goes on in the head of an admissions officer, I can tell you what sort of applicant I looked like. I had spent all of high school singing in choir, took voice lessons, and for three years had been in the regional honor choir. I was captain of my Mock Trial team, which that year, went onto the national competition in Oklahoma City. I threw shotput and discus on the Track and Field team, took guitar lessons, and was interested in creative writing. I took AP English and History classes, and as many Philosophy electives as the school offered. In short, I worked very hard. However, Id also like to spend some time talking about the things I didnt to: I didnt take Calculus, I took Statistics instead. I didnt take an AP science class my senior year so that Id be able to take a new philosophy class that my favorite English teacher was offering. I was on Varsity Track and Field my first two years of high school, but quit. I didnt write a very traditional application essay but instead tried to use it as an opportunity to showcase my writing. Why is this important? I think a lot of the time, students feel like they have to do everything excellently in order to get into their top school. And while working hard is essential, its also important to make choices. You see, I didnt take Calculus not only because math wasnt my favorite subject, but also because it was offered at the same time as an English class I wanted to take. When I quit the track team, it was because I knew I wouldnt be able to go to both the track meets and Mock Trial competitions, and had to pick one. In short, you should pursue things passionately, but only the ones youre genuinely passionate about. Schools want to be impressed and want to see that youre involved in many activities, but they also know that one person cant do literally everything. Its just not possible, and this is something that they know too. Instead, showing focus and commitment are key. If theres something you love doing, do as much of it as possible, get a leadership position, or start your own club. Colleges are looking for people who will add something to their communities, so once you start to get a sense of what makes you most excited, whether its sports, theater, math, or languages, dive into it. It gives colleges a more honest picture of you and what youre interested in, and moreover, makes you a more interesting candidate.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Influence the Hindi Language on India and Asia

The Influence the Hindi Language on India and Asia The Hindi Influence on Languages all Over the World. ChaptersThe Influence of Hindi on Urdu (and Vice-Versa)The Influence of Hindi on Other Asian LanguagesHindi Words in Asian LanguagesHindi Words in Languages Outside of AsiaEnglish Words Derived from HindiThe Hindi language is spoken by over 590 million people worldwide. Even Indians who don’t speak Hindi as their mother tongue might speak it as a second language.With so many Hindi speakers around the world, how has the language influenced others in Asia and elsewhere? Can learning other languages help you understand Hindi?entered the language as loan words from the Prakrit dialects or Sanskrit, all precursors of Hindi.Interestingly, Sanskrit also influenced other Asian languages - more so than Hindi. Here, one of the earliest inscriptions on Java, in Vedic Sanskrit. Photo credit: Ms Sarah Welch on WikipediaBollywood as the Pollinating Bee of IndiaThis said, once more Bollywood comes into play. Bollywood is interesting in its role in disseminating the various Indian languages. While Bollywood movies are generally in Hindi with a good splattering of Urdu, movies often feature other Indian languages as well, such as Punjabi, Kannada, Tamil or Telugu.A Hindi movie featuring a Sindhi-speaking family will attract a lot of viewers with Sindhi as their native language. At the same time, they will be exposed to Hindi as the second language of the film, and new words and phrases from the Hindi language might become popular for a time in the Sindhi community. Some will fade away, but other Hindi phrases will survive and make it into the permanent vocabulary of Sindhi.Bollywood is very popular, and Hindi movies will be available in non-Hindi-speaking communities. Photo on Visualhunt.com GiusyHindi Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnchalHindi Teacher 5.00 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NehaHindi Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AkshayaHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tuto rs SuhaniHindi Teacher 5.00 (4) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MedhaHindi Teacher 5.00 (2) £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PriyankaHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SaurabhHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHindi Words in Asian LanguagesNo country lives in a vacuum, and neighbouring countries will always influence each other linguistically to some extent. So you will find Hindi terms in Malay, Indonesian (though Indonesian has more Sanskrit terms than Hindi), Lao, Burmese and Thai.However, on the whole, Hindi’s influence on other Asian languages is minimal.There is a large Indian community that has built up in Nepal over several centuries. They call themselves Madhesis and many still speak the Awadhi dialect  of Hindi.Hindi Words in Languages Outside of AsiaAnywhere there is a sizeable Indian population, it seems likely that Hindi words will enter the local language. Hindi loanwords can turn up in pla ces you might not suspect.Hindi Creole LanguagesIn certain places, Hindi has been combined with other languages, either imported or local, to create a sort of lingua franca to allow various different populations with different languages to communicate with each other.Fiji uses a form of Hindi derived mainly from the Awadhi dialect, with some influence from the Bhojpuri, Magahi and Bihari language of India. Called Hindustani by the Fijian Indian community, it also incorporates words from the native Fijian language and English.Fiji Hindi is quite similar to Caribbean Hindustani, a lingua franca for the population of Indian descent living on most Caribbean islands (except for French Guyana, Martinique and Guadeloupe, where most of the Indians are from southern India, where Dravidian languages are spoken). Carribean Hindustani mostly borrows from the Hindi Awadhi dialect, as well as a mix of Bhojpuri and other Bihari dialects along with smatterings of the local languages.There is Fiji H indi creole used to communicate on the Pacific islands of Fiji and Vanuatu. Photo credit: Björn Groß on Visual huntHindi Words in African LanguagesThere is a large Indian diaspora in South Africa, mostly concentrated around the city of Durban. They speak a form of Hindi with a lot of Awadhi and Bhojpuri mixed in. The language they speak is similar to a form of Indian spoken on Mauritius.Because a lot of Indians came to Africa during the Colonial Period - some as slaves, some as servants and some as free men and women - Hindi words have entered some African languages such as Swahili or Somali.English Words Derived from HindiYou will find Hindi words in other languages, too, such as Hebrew, Italian or even Scots. However, those words usually did not come directly from Hindi, but from the Hindi terms that have made it into the English language.Through over a century of colonial rule, a lot of Hindi words made it into standard English vocabulary. Of course, you first think of food - w ords such as chutney (from chatni) or toddy (from tari, the juice of the palmyra palm) -curry comes from Tamil, not Hindi - or spiritual terms such as yoga, karma or nirvana.But did you know that the Englishmen who fought in the Indian wars, traded with the East India Company, owned plantations or served in the Colonial government also brought back words such as:Bungalow (from bangla) - a house in the Bengal styleCot (from khat) a bedCummerbund (from kamarband) - waist bindingKhaki (from khaki) - dust-colouredJungle (from jangal) - wilderness, forestLoot - to stealPunch (panch) - “five” for its five original ingredients: alcohol, sugar, lemon, water and spices (or tea).Shampoo (champo) - “rub!”Thug (thagi), “thief or con man”Veranda (baramdaa)Shampoo (champo, to rub)Juggernaut (a form of Vishnu called Jagganath, during whose festival huge carts were pulled through the streets)Dungaree (a denim fabric)Bangle (bangri, a kind of bracelet)Pyjamas (paijaamaa, leg garment)So a s you see, you are speaking some Hindi without even knowing it!You can learn more by finding Hindi lessons on our Superprof website.

Find A Drum Lessons In Birmingham

Find A Drum Lessons In Birmingham How To  Find Drum Lessons In Birmingham ChaptersThe History of Birmingham Music SceneThe Benefits Of Learning The DrumsPrivate tutors in BirminghamMusic Schools in BirminghamLearn How To Play the Drums OnlineJoin a Band in BirminghamFind a Tutor on SuperprofBirthplace of the Heavy-metal, Bhangra and Grindcore, Birmingham also had a huge deal of influence on the emerging British techno music.No wonder then that you can easily find someone to teach you how to play the drums in Birmingham.If you are a beginner and want to learn to play the drums better to hire a private tutor to teach you the rudiments. If you already know how to drum and are looking for more casual lessons or practice, why not join a band?Whatever your level of musicianship, Birmingham is ripe with opportunities if you know where to look at.This guide to Birmingham's best open mics might come in handy.Find a Tutor on SuperprofSuperprof is a hub of professionals looking to pass on their knowledge and experience onto students. One of the best things about it i s that you can see reviews left by other students about a drum teacher and find the perfect match for your needs and expectations.Christian Jerromes, one of the Superprof's drum instructor, has been teaching students of all ages since 2014 and boasts a 100% pass rate when his students have entered examinations. Get in touch and start drumming!You can also search for drumming teachers in Birmingham, see if some tutors are willing to come to your home or maybe join a group lesson schedule near where you live.drum lessons Belfastdrum lessons Edinburghdrum lessons CardiffKeep practising  what you are taught during your drumming lessons and you will master the double bass and the ride cymbal in no time, getting ready for your first drum solo performance Bonham style before you know it.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Healthy Lifestyle IELTS Vocabulary - IELTS Test Preparation

Healthy Lifestyle IELTS Vocabulary - IELTS Test Preparation One of the most popular IELTS essay topics is health.With our  healthy lifestyle IELTS vocabulary you wont have any  problems talking about  a particular topic in Speaking Part 2 of the exam.It can also be helpful when writing an essay in Task 2 of the Writing module.Essay in Writing task 2 should have a minimum of 250 words and consist of the following 3 parts:1stparagraph    introduction2ndand 3rd  paragraphs    body of essay4thparagraph    conclusion Healthy Lifestyle - Sample IELTS Essay Topic The number of people who are at risk of serious heath problems due to being overweight is increasing.What is the reason for the growth in overweight people in society?How can this be solved? Healthy Lifestyle IELTS Vocabulary - Sample IELTS Essay The World Health Organisation recently released a report that 1 in 3 11-year-olds is overweight or obese. One of the solutions to stop the growth in overweight people in society is to introduce healthy lifestyle habits from as early as possible.A balanced diet  is the key to a healthy weight. Make sure that you eat a variety  of foods. It is vital  to eat from all five food groups. Try to buy fresh ingredients and free-range  meats. Processed food often contains a lot of additives that are not as nutritious  as fresh food. Make sure you include plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet. Modern dietitians strongly advise  to eat 5 servings  of fruit and vegetables every day. Try to avoid fattening  food and cut down on  the amount of salt and sugar you eat.Eat moderate  portions and don’t be tempted to order a larger meal when eating out. Restaurants often serve portions that are enough for two or three people.  Children should be getting smaller portions than  adults. Make sure y ou eat regularly and don’t skip meals, this can help you to moderate snacking  and control your appetite. If you have a food allergy, you don’t need to completely eliminate  your favourite foods. Do check the food labels properly and avoid any of the ingredients that can make your condition worse.Regular physical activity is also a crucial  part of a healthy life. Exercise keeps you feeling good and helps you maintain a healthy weight.To summarise, following a healthy eating plan can help you prevent  overweight and  obesity,  it is therefore  vitally  important  to include  the right types of food in your everyday  diet  and to exercise daily.** you will find the meaning of the words in bold below Healthy Lifestyle IELTS Vocabulary - Infographic Please share, help other students improve English skills: Healthy Lifestyle IELTS Vocabulary Nutritious  â€" good for your bodyNutrition the process of obtaining food necessary for growth and health    Variety  â€" a lot of differentFood allergy  â€" a condition that causes illness if you eat certain foodsFood intolerance a condition when you cannot digest certain food properly, for example, lactose intoleranceVital  â€" very importantModerate  â€" neither small nor largeFree-range  â€" relating to farm animals that are not kept in cagesServing  â€" portionTo eliminate  â€" totally removeCut down on smth  â€" to have less of smthFattening  â€" makes you fatAppetite  â€" desire to eatStrongly advise â€" to recommendBalanced diet  â€" you eat all the right food your body needsSnack  â€" small amount of food between mealsObese  (adj) â€" unhealthy overweight (obesity â€" noun)To digest to change food into substances your body can use for health and growthFibre  The parts of fruit, vegetables and grain that your body cannot digest. Confusing English Adjectives - Important IMPORTANTHEALTH is a noun.?? Im in good health.  ? I am in good healthy.HEALTHY is an adjective.?? In order to stay healthy, you need to exercise regularly.? In order to stay health, you need to exercise regularly.  

How to Give Your Opinion in English - Intermediate Level English

How to Give Your Opinion in English - Intermediate Level English Here you will learn how to give your opinion in English. Lets start with a short video lesson. Alternatively, you can scroll down and read the transcript below. How to Give Your Opinion in English Hi there. Im Harry and welcome back to English in a Minute. Were now going to talk about some expressions and the expressions were going to talk about today or in relation to giving opinions or offering opinions. So as always well give you some examples. Ill work my way through them and hopefully by the end of this little short video youll understand how you can give an opinion in English. So lets get started.First one is something like  FAIR ENOUGH. So when somebody tells you something and you want to offer an opinion you might say: ‘Fair enough, I understand your point of view.’ So its quite an informal way of giving an opinion. ‘Fair enough, I believe you.’ ‘Fair enough, Ill accept your  your suggestion.’I KNOW WHAT YOU MEANSo here were giving an opinion where we  agree with somebody.  Or they have  said something and you say: ‘Yeah I know  what you mean.  The  same thing happened to  me last week.’ Or ‘The same thing happened  to me when I tried to join that  pa rticular club.  I know what you mean.’ Again slightly informal.DO YOU KNOW WHAT I THINKorDO YOU WANT TO HEAR WHAT I THINKSo these are two ways in which we can be a little bit more formal. ‘Do you know what I think?’ or ‘Do you want to hear what I think?’ or ‘Do you want to listen to what I think?’ So again expressing your opinion.IN MY OPINION Very straightforward and very direct. ‘In my opinion, youre wrong.’ ‘In my opinion I think you should talk to your manager and explain to him what happened.’ ‘In my opinion this is what I would do.’ Okay. So very direct and a little bit more formal than than the others.HEAR ME OUT‘Please listen to me, Ive got something to say,  Ive got an opinion to express, just hear me out.’ Means listen to me. Again somewhat informal.   How to Give Your Opinion in English Facebook Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on twitter Twitter Facebook IN MY HUMBLE OPINIONSo you hear this quite often somebody obviously has an opinion. They definitely want to share it. They probably believe that their opinion is right and they have

Ways to enhance creative thinking in your child - ALOHA Mind Math

Ways to enhance creative thinking in your child In today’s competitive world, thinking out of the box has become a very necessary trait for success. Every parent hopes to nurture a creative spirit in their child not only in terms of being competitive, but more importantly as a way of fostering originality in their thinking. Both as teachers and parents, it would be great if we could develop an environment where children are enthusiastic about developing ideas and feel free to do their own experimenting. This is the best way to give free rein to their imagination and let them find a way to explore and find their own answers. In order to enable this, we can use the following to enhance creativity: Curiosity â€" This is a very important trait and it isn’t even something we have to develop; it comes naturally to children. From the age when they start to understand things around them, we as parents have answered tons of questions to the best of our abilities. As they learn to read, we can make sure that they have all the information they need, both from books as well as from using the internet as they are older. It is also very important that they understand that is not wrong to ask questions, which could happen if they find us to be impatient with them at times when we do not have the time or resources to respond to them properly. Experimentation â€" Expose the child to simple science kits from a young age, and allow them to experiment with new material and information and you will definitely notice the learning curve that your children go through. It is also a good idea to try to teach more through practical means and even through play, as this leaves a better impression on the child’s mind and will help them retain the information better. It also enables them to change things around themselves to try and find out how things work differently with different parameters. Environment â€" Try to make sure that the environment around the child nourishes creative thinking. Plan activities such as a scavenger hunt or a hypothetical problem solving session from time to time, so that fun and creativity together create the perfect environment. Even watching a fun TV show such as “Whose Line Is It Anyway” where an abundance of creativity is on display can be a great thought provoker at a young age (Do check for age appropriateness first). With all these small steps, we can make a start towards encouraging creative thinking and prepare our child to face life’s challenges in a confident manner. Visit our website to understand how our programs can help your child http://www.aloha-usa.com/

Al Shomoukh International School

Al Shomoukh International School Al Shomoukh International School Al Shomoukh International School (SIS) is a new KG to Grade 12 global school in Muscat.Established by GlobalEducation Services (GES) the school opened for the 2015/16 school year in Al Hail. A new school has been constructed and, combined with an international curriculum and excellent staff, the school intends to become one of the outstanding international schools in Muscat. It will draw students from both the local Omani and expatriate community. Both will be rewarded with an education experience of the highest order. The school will be a beacon of international educational excellence for local and expatriate male and female students using English as the medium of instruction. Classes will be a maximum of 25 students. The school offers the National English Curriculum. At senior levels, i.e. Year 10 on, the school will offer and prepare students for UK and US examinations including IGCSE, A level, and SATs. The school will ensure that all local Omani curriculum requirements are met to obtain an Omani Graduation Certification. At our school all can achieve.